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MINUTES July 28 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> business. " "We are looking at Otis as the host community. <br /> "They have a Board of Managers, is already operating with a <br /> budget, you could use the scale operator and is a focal point <br /> for Bourne, Sandwich, Falmouth and Mashpee. " "Markets are <br /> available and there is a 500 ton per day paper mill opening <br /> up in western Massachusetts and will be pulling as far south <br /> as South Carolina and Georgia. " "Costs for the facility <br /> would be under $200,000.00 not including trailers. " "We <br /> would probably grant two one hundred yard transport <br /> trailer's, one to be there while the other is being trans- <br /> ported." "If we can get a proposal that we feel will work <br /> D.E.P. would highly consider the grant. " <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned Mr. Whitcher as to whether he has <br /> consulted with any of the other towns. <br /> Mr. Whitcher responded, "I have had preliminary discus- <br /> sions with Bourne on the telephone and I spoke with the <br /> Falmouth Selectmen at a Solid Waste Advisory Committee meet- <br /> ing during which the matter was taken under advisement." "We <br /> are requiring a written proposal from the towns before <br /> January 1 , 1995. " "There is an existing situation which may <br /> hamper the project." "Sandwich is using their 100 yard <br /> roll-off to dispose of paper in Haverhill." "In order to al- <br /> leviate the financial burden they have approached the town of <br /> Falmouth and are disposing of their paper at no charge. <br /> Mr. Whitcher commented, "I am working with an engineer <br /> to get a conceptual sketch of the structure for the Otis <br /> site. " "I will help outline and review the draft proposal . " <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend the Selectmen be <br /> made aware of the concept and the Board of Managers can be <br /> given the responsibility to draft the proposal. " <br /> APPOINTMENT: Mike Rurro - Laidlaw - Echo Road <br /> Mr. Michael Rurro was in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Mr. Rurro presented preliminary plans and stated "We <br /> would like to operate the buses out of the Industrial Park <br /> formerly Harwich Concrete. " "The actual engineered drawings <br /> of the parking spaces will be available on Tuesday. " "The <br /> area is paved and fenced in. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "There are no catch basins how- <br /> ever, there is a gravel ditch which collects the water drain- <br /> ing from the paved area. " <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I would like to see the installation <br /> of M.D.C. drains. " <br />