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MINUTES July 28 , 1994 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "There is an existing well on the <br /> abutting property. " "The Board could require the paved area <br /> to be burned with asphalt and install M.D.C. drains or the <br /> abutting well could be monitored for v.o.c's periodically. " <br /> Mr. Rurro stated, "No fueling will take place on the <br /> premises. " "Bus maintenance will be done at the Falmouth <br /> terminal and heavy maintenance will be done at the Barnstable <br /> terminal . " <br /> Mr. McQuaid recommended engineering plans indicate the <br /> precise topography of the lot so that we know that if the <br /> Board is requiring m.d.c. drains and burms that they be prop- <br /> erly placed. "If the Board decides on burms I would recom- <br /> mend they be placed on the west and southerly corners of the <br /> lots with m.d.c. drains located at the end. " <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to approve plans for the proposed site <br /> of the Laidlaw bus line with the stipulation engineering <br /> plans are submitted which delineate the topography of the <br /> lot, 4" burms at the west and southerly corners of the paved <br /> area and the placement of one or more m.d.c. drains which <br /> meet with the health agent's approval, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> Mr. Doherty abstained. <br /> Mr. Rurro stated, "Engineering plans will be submitted <br /> next Wednesday. " <br /> 3. ) Copy of bimonthly transfer station/landfill inspection - <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "All the deficiencies noted have been <br /> corrected. " <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 4 . ) Copy of Committee Handbook for comment - Acknowledged. <br /> 5. ) Re uest for presentation - Landfill reclamation - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "The business has not be approved by the <br /> State. " <br /> Board members agreed to continue the request for presen- <br /> tation until such time as approval is received by the State. <br /> 6. ) Emergency failure certification 24 & 34 Lakeside <br /> Trailer Park - Board members forwarded their signatures to <br /> the "Emergency Repair Certification" form. <br /> 7. ) Variance request, 27 & 41 Hogan Drive and 61 Cappawack <br /> Road <br /> 27 HOGAN DRIVE - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The lot is in con- <br /> formance with the master plan however, due to the configura- <br />