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MINUTES August 11 , 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> hoping to reestablish a Board with funds, ($10,000 .00) to <br /> physically take down a building and place a lien on the prop- <br /> erty. " "An article will be placed on the warrant for the Oc- <br /> tober Town Meeting. " "The Board of Health will be permitted <br /> to utilize funds from this account should the need arise. +' <br /> Board members agreed to forward a letter of support. <br /> 6. ) Water District invoice, High Sachem Estates - Mr. <br /> McQuaid relayed, "The Water District submitted a bill in the <br /> amount of $2 ,600 .00 to hook up four homes in the High Sachem <br /> Estates subdivision. " <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the voucher <br /> for payment to the Water District. <br /> 7. ) Emergency Failure Certification, 6 Santuit Pond Road - <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emergency <br /> Repair Certification" form. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Letter of complaint - Ronald Costa, Algonquin Road <br /> Mr. McQuaid explained, "We received a letter of com- <br /> plaint from Mr. Costa stating his abutter has been clearing <br /> his own lot of trees and stumps and piling them on the side <br /> of Algonquin road. " "After several attempts I have been un- <br /> able to contact the owner." "I inspected the site- and found <br /> a very small amount of brush. " "In my opinion, this is not a <br /> concern of public health and has not created a stump dump. " <br /> "It appears this may be a neighbor feud. " <br /> Board members agreed to forward a letter to Mr. Costa <br /> informing him the matter is not a Board of Health public <br /> health issue. <br /> D.E.P. "Consent Order" <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "D.E.P. has forwarded copies of the <br /> " " the landfill . " "A meeting has <br /> Consent Order for capping h g <br /> been scheduled August 29, 1994 @ 10:00 a.m. in this office. " <br /> "A representative from Weston & Sampson and the Executive <br /> Secretary will attend. " "Town Counsel was advised and for- <br /> ward a copy. " "The order mandates a time in which we must <br /> close and cap our landfill . " "One of the two homes in High <br /> Sachem Estates which deemed our landfill a significant threat <br /> has tied into town water and the remaining property owner has <br /> now agreed to tie-in. " "I have prepared a letter to Ms. Lutz <br /> which authorizes the use of her private well for irrigation <br /> purposes. " <br />