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MINUTES September 1, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> i <br /> 5. ) Proposed zoning _changes submitted_ by petition. - Mr. <br /> McQuaid explained, "The changes abut property along Route <br /> 130 , Route 151 (between old Barnstable Road and Fire Station) <br /> and Route 28 (towards Falmouth) . " "They are all undeveloped <br /> portions of land located along major highways that are <br /> residentially zoned. " "These petitions are to reclassify <br /> them as commercial. " <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 6. ) Request for water hookup reimbursement - Mr. McQuaid <br /> stated, "Mr. Charles Starr recently purchased the dwelling <br /> #409 Asher's Path from F.H.A. . " "Mr. Starr tied into public <br /> water a few weeks ago and is now requesting reimbursement <br /> from the town. " <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "The intent of funds which were <br /> appropriated at the last Annual Town Meeting was to help out <br /> existing homeowner's. " "Mr. Starr purchased the property <br /> with the full knowledge that he would be required to tie into <br /> public water. " <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "F.H.A. was forwarded a letter <br /> informing them they must tie into public water prior to re- <br /> moval of the condemnation notice. " "What has apparently hap- <br /> pened is F.H.A has paid the installer and plumber to connect <br /> the line to the house but the buyer was stuck paying the Wa- <br /> ter District bill of $650.00. " <br /> Board members agreed the owner was made aware of the ad- <br /> ditional charge for water hookup and must seek reimbursement <br /> through F.H.A. . <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to deny the request by Mr. Starr <br /> for reimbursement, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> Mr. Ball directed the Agent to inform the owner of the <br /> Board's decision. <br /> 7 . Memo from Insurance Company_ - Acknowledged. <br /> 8 . ) Perc extension request, 63 Hook Drive - Mr. McQuaid re- <br /> layed, "The property was perked in 1986 and again in 1993 . " <br /> "The owner is requesting a one year extension. " "I would <br /> recommend a 6 month extension from the date of expiration. " <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a 6 month perc extension from <br /> the date of expiration, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br />