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MINUTES December 15, 1994 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend the Board grant the variance relief <br /> requested with the stipulation the engineer provide proof that both the cottage and <br /> dwelling have a water meter supplied by the Mashpee Water District." "Any other wells <br /> are not the source of potable water." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I would recommend the Board request verification from the <br /> Water District that both dwellings are tied in." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant variance relief with the stipulation the engineer <br /> provide the health agent with the distance from the active abutting well (lot #116) to the <br /> proposed upgrade however, in no case may the distance be less than 100' and verification <br /> from the Water District that the dwelling on lot #166 is tied into town water, Mr. Cram <br /> seconded, all agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: David Southworth - Willowbend Special Permit <br /> Mr. Bruce Besse and Mr. David Southworth were in attendance for this scheduled <br /> appointment. <br /> Mr. Southworth stated, "Of the original twenty-seven lots many do not have <br /> dwellings constructed on them:" "They are now selling their lots on the open market." <br /> "We do know at some point in time they all will be required to tie into the treatment <br /> plant." "We started our real estate effort about one year ago." "We did not address the <br /> lot situation with our real estate people and when we got to the closing table with lot 39 <br /> and lot 56 and tried to pull a building permit we were denied because the lot was not one <br /> of the original twenty-seven." "We found ourselves in a position where we had by <br /> accident misrepresented to a customer that this part of Willowbend was the regular lot <br /> purchase and the other part the condominium." "The particular buyers were attracted to <br /> these lots because they did not want to be part of a condominium association." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The transfer of the special permit from Mr. Hostetter to <br /> Mr. Fireman should have been approved by the Board of Health." "We were never <br /> notified of the fact that twenty-seven lots had been previously sold individually." "My <br /> Board's concern is not with allowing temporary Title V systems on the condition that <br /> once D.E.P. approved allowing these to be tied in they would be, our interest is in those <br /> Mr. Fireman bought from private owners, why those are not being tied in and being <br /> condominiumized." <br /> Mr. Southworth responded, "Lots 14, 15, 17, 18 & 20 we have purchased and <br /> have no intention of building homes on as it backs the tennis center." "We intend to delete <br />