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MINUTES February 9, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Dunlap stated, "What we have is reports on the discharge and UV for testing <br /> purposes." <br /> Mr. Ball requested a copy of the data. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Advanced Waste Systems - Recycling Proposal <br /> Mr. Bill Poliquin was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Poliquin stated, "Our company has an interest in hauling newspapers from <br /> Mashpee." <br /> Mr. McQuaid informed Mr. Poliquin of the past and current status of newspaper <br /> recycling in town. <br /> Mr. Poliquin stated, "There is a range they are paying for newspaper in bulk form." <br /> "If its a #6 grade they're paying anywhere from $35.00 to $45.00 per ton." "If it's clean <br /> they'll pay as much as $50.00 per ton in bulk form unbailed." "We have two markets <br /> available right now." "Right now we have no reimbursement for plastics." "Colored glass <br /> is $10.00 per ton, clear you can get $35.00 per ton however, the haul is to Franklin, MA." <br /> Mr. Doherty recommend Mr. Poliquin submit a proposal. <br /> Mr. Poliquin agreed. <br /> APPOINTMENT: George Benway- l I Bay Road <br /> Mr. George Benway, III and Attorney Mary Marsters was in attendance for this <br /> scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Benway stated, "I am here this evening to inform the Board I have completed <br /> the conditions set by the Board." "I received Conservation Commission approval on <br /> January 19, 1995, the property does not yet have a deed however one is to be drafted by <br /> the Barnstable County Probate Court for the closing, I have drafted a letter from myself <br /> stating I will not ever develop Bay Road and I have notified all abutters as required and <br /> have enclosed the green cards." <br />