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MINUTES March 16, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> abutting lots." "To return this to the engineer and have him revise the plans with our busy <br /> schedules it is safe to presume that the are of 119' from the proposed well indicates that <br /> there are no septic systems within 119' of the proposed well." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "The town regulation is 150'." "I would recommend the <br /> engineer revise plans indicating the distances from all abutting well and leaching facilities <br /> within 150' of the proposed well or leaching facility." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to deny the request for variance relief based on incomplete <br /> plans, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 3.) Incomplete application, 132 James Circle - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I witnessed a <br /> number of perc tests out at Johns Pond Estates." "They were done through Ferreira <br /> Associates on behalf of Michael Makunas." "They were all difficult lots meaning steep <br /> slopes to the pond, etc." "Somehow the engineer managed to propose plans that I could <br /> not deny." "They met breakout except for this one lot." "In this instance both perc tests <br /> failed nonetheless Mr. Makunas instructed his engineer to submit this plan." "There are <br /> no inverts." "The soil logs states that information would be forthcoming." "He wanted to <br /> submit it anyway to get it in before the deadline." "In my opinion this is an incomplete <br /> application and I would deny it." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to deny the application and plans submitted for 132 James <br /> Circle based on incomplete plans, Mr. Doherty seconded, all agreed. <br /> 4.) Emergency failure certification, 29 Alma Road - Board members forwarded their <br /> signatures to the "Emergency Repair Certification" form. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Jack Cutlip - 37 Keel way <br /> Mr. Jack Cutlip was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> I <br /> Mr. Cutlip stated, "This lot was taken over by the F.D.I.C. in January of 1994." <br /> "We engaged Seacoast Engineering in 1995 to perform some soil tests." "We are unable <br /> to meet the regulation which requires 4' of naturally occurring permeable soil between the <br /> bottom of the leaching facility and groundwater." "We are requesting the Board's opinion <br /> as to whether there are alternatives." <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "I observed three test pits." "There was no actual perk - <br /> pouring of water done." "We need the test pit to determine the type of soil." "The soil is <br />