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r <br /> MINUTES April 27, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "This is part of our emergency repair policy." "The system will <br /> handle the additional living space." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "By calculating the flow the system could handle up to <br /> five bedrooms." "The owner is extending a den into a living room and adding another <br /> den." <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "The owner informed me the dwelling was no longer big <br /> enough." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I would recommend we require a professional engineer or <br /> registered sanitarian to draw the plans." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "The Board must either approve the existing plans or <br /> require professional plans to be drawn." "We could request the owner submit a letter <br /> stating their exact intentions for the addition." "Based on that if it doesn't exceed adding <br /> more then two bedroom then we can go with what is in place." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> 6.) Misc, plan reviews, 67 Punkhorn Point Road, 81 Hogppole Road, 19 Birch Way <br /> and 9 L Edgewater Road <br /> 67 Punkhorn Point Road - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is not a typical Title V system, <br /> it involves a pump chamber." "The owner of the abutting parcel who's well is down <br /> gradient came in last week and talked about relocating his well because of his poor water <br /> quality." "The poor water quality is down gradient from his own septic system and close <br /> to the marsh thereby causing salt water intrusion." "The abutter would like to relocate his <br /> well, which is 100' away from the proposed leaching facility however, the new well would <br /> be located in close proximity to the drainage for the pool." "The architects and engineers <br /> decided it would be best, when the pool needs to be emptied, to pump it upgradient from <br /> the pool to stay away from the wetlands." "They went before the Conservation <br /> Commission who denied the request." "They wanted the drain down gradient of the pool <br /> which I agree with." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to approve the installation of a pump chamber with the <br /> stipulation the applicant complies with the "Order of Conditions" setforth by the <br /> Conservation Commission, Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. <br />