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05/18/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/18/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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i <br /> MINUTES May 11, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape & Islands Engineering, 91 Edgewater Road and 26 Shorewood <br /> Drive <br /> Mr, John Slavinsky, P.E. was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky relayed, "It's cheaper to stack another pit on top of this one then it <br /> is to get a structural engineer to approve it." "The pits are 7' tall with a 1' riser_" "As far <br /> as 91 Edgewater Road I'll stack three pits with one 2' riser." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "I am concerned with the weight of the pits, I don't <br /> want to see them collapse." <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "They are H2O pits." <br /> Mr. McQuaid questioned, "How do you verify the soundness of the pits stacked <br /> one above the other, as far as, when you backfill what's going to happen to the middle <br /> pit' " <br /> Mr. Slavinsky responded, "The stone will only go on the bottom with fabric <br /> around the other." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "In speaking with pre-cast manufacturer's they suggested <br /> considering pouring a cement slab at the bottom of the lowest pit and then stacking pits so <br /> that there wouldn't be any shifting during backfilling or settling." "I have no problem with <br /> that because, granted we're loosing the bottom area leaching capability of the pit but <br /> we've got two or three pits above it so you make up for it on the side." "I have another <br /> concern with both lots that being, these pits are less then 10' from the property line and if <br /> they go down that far how are you going to prevent any damage from the abutting <br /> property." <br /> Mr. Slavinsky responded, "That's up to the installer but we could get a letter from <br /> the abutter." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve revised plans which delineate two stacked systems <br /> for #91 Edgewater Drive with the stipulation the engineer and the health agent both <br /> witness and approve backfilling of the system, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 7' sideline variance and to approve plans for one <br /> stacked system at 26 Shorewood Drive with the stipulation the engineer and a health agent <br /> both witness and approve backfilling of the system, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br />
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