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05/18/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/18/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 18, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: William Duffy - 151 Shore Drive <br /> i <br /> Mr. Steve Doyle, P.E., Mr. Michael Labute, Installer, Mr. William Duffy and Mrs. <br /> Mary Duffy, abutter were in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Duffy stated, "I was under the impression they were going to have part of the <br /> system above ground." "I noticed some excavation was over my mother's fence line and <br /> I asked them to survey it." "They had their own surveyor's come out the other day." <br /> "The footings are right on the property line." "We were never notified of this." "We were <br /> under the impression if there was going to be a wall it would be back 10' or 15' or so." "I <br /> would like to find out why that system has to be put there, it's all reclaimed land." "The <br /> front area where the existing system is would seem for me the better choice." <br /> Mr. Doyle stated, "We had to pull back from the resource area." "The existing <br /> systems (cesspools) have a serious water infiltration problem and have pretty much <br /> saturated that whole area." "The wall is a 2' dam wall around the system and the reserve <br /> area, so if it became necessary to do anything with the reserve in the future they wouldn't <br /> have to go through this process all over again." <br /> Mr. Duffy commented, "I still don't understand why it couldn't go in the front." <br /> Mr. Doyle responded, "Because the ground in the front is saturated and it would <br /> move it closer to the resource area." <br /> Ms. Duffy questioned, "How do you know the ground is saturated." <br /> Mr. Labute responded, "Both cesspools were filled with water even after they <br /> were pumped." <br /> Mr. Duffy questioned, "If you put it on the reclaimed land side of the house, if <br /> you're going to have to dig it up anyway and replace the soil, why couldn't you replace <br /> the soil where the existing system is?" <br /> Mr. Doyle responded, "It is within close proximity to the wetlands." <br /> Ms. Doyle questioned, "Why wasn't I notified?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "As soon as Mr. Duffy came in I went out and put a <br /> "Stop Work Order" on the property, contacted the engineer and installer and informed <br /> them of the complaint." "Groundwater elevations in this area are 6' below the surface." <br />
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