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i <br /> MINUTES July 13, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 7.) Proposed Fall Town Meeting Article re: Landfill use restriction - Mr. Cram <br /> stated, "Whereas the Board of Selectmen have to be the entity to act on this I will motion <br /> to turn the care, custody and control of the landfill over to the Board of Selectmen, no <br /> second was motioned, motion failed. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stater!, "We must make sure we exempt from this the Transfer <br /> Station operation and recycling operation." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "It doesn't seem to be specific enough." <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I will contact Weston & Sampson and inform them the <br /> article is not specific enough." <br /> 8.) Proposed White Water Estates subdivision - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "They are all <br /> one acre lots." "In December of 1994 the Board voted to withhold preliminary approval <br /> until the issue of the Holland Mills open space was resolved by the Planning Board." "We <br /> have no indication that they resolved the open space issue." "There is no open space <br /> delineated on plans." "The other question is even though this plan came in before the new <br /> Title V, the current Title V would require 2 acre lots for 4 bedrooms." "A one acre lot <br /> would only be allowed 2 bedrooms." "I would recommend we request the engineer to <br /> attend an upcoming meeting to explain our concerns." <br /> Board members agreed. <br /> Mr. Doherty directed the agent to request Mr. Fudala provide the following <br /> information; if the increase to I acre lots satisfy the zoning requirements and does it also <br /> absolve the owner of the open space requirements. <br /> 9.) Request for appointment to Coastal Resources Management Committee - Mr. Ball <br /> volunteered as a committee member. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to appoint Mr. Steven Ball as a member to the Coastal <br /> Resource Management Committee, Mr. Cram seconded. <br /> 10.) Revised plans, 23 Waterline Drive - Mr. McQuaid relayed; "The only revision is <br /> the installation of a F.A.S.T. system." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve revised plans as submitted, with the stipulation <br /> D.E.P. approval is received, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br />