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MINUTES July 13, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 1I.) Septic upgrade, 11 ClamsheIl Lane. - Mr. Evans relayed, "This is a voluntary <br /> upgrade." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to approve plans pending an "Order of Conditions" issued by <br /> the Conservation Commission, Mr. Ball seconded, all agreed. <br /> **********NEW BUSINESS********** <br /> Illegal Dumping - Johns Pond Cranberry Bogs <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "While inspecting the cfanberry bogs I came across small <br /> amounts of trash which appeared to be from kids having parties there. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "From my understanding the problem is littering not illegal <br /> dumping." <br /> Discussion took place regarding the difference between illegal dumping and <br /> littering. <br /> Complaint - Games (Orchard Road) <br /> Mr. Doherty stepped down from this matter as he found it to be a conflict of <br /> interest. - <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I have been involved for some time with Selectmen Costa in <br /> trying to get a piece of property on Orchard Road cleaned up." "We have received many <br /> complaints over the years about this property." "I sent Ms. Gomes, on June 19, 1995, a <br /> certified letter indicating his property was in violation of certain sanitary and local by-law <br /> codes, listing a number of items such as 10 refrigerators, 5 55 gallon dnims, tires, trash, <br /> rubbish, gasoline cans, engines, several automobile batteries, 6 trailers, 3 motorcycles, 10 <br /> unregistered vehicles, etc.." "We met with Mr. Gomes and a member of Sheriff's <br /> department and with Mr. DiMaggio on site to try and convince him to allow the town to <br /> proceed in the cleanup." "I then drafted an agreement for him to sign which states that he <br /> voluntarily authorizes the town to proceed with the cleanup activity." "He will be allowed <br /> to keep the one permanent shed in which he may store any non-hazardous materials." "He <br /> understands that any costs of any actions taken by the town will not be his responsibility <br /> and he will not hold the town or any agent of the town for any real and anticipated <br /> lawsuits involved with this cleanup." "Mr. DiMaggio has agreed to remove all of the <br /> metal and vehicles except his boat and two trailers." "He will remove all the metal at no <br />