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MTWTES July 20, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Wall stated, "D.E.P. has approved composting toilets." "The composter will <br /> recycle waste." If you use waterless toilets you have to put the composter underneath it." <br /> "Some of our graywater systems have indoor leach fields." <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned, "How much water could you introduce into the system <br /> without any detrimental effect." <br /> Mr. Wall responded, "It can handle certain amounts." "It could handle minimum <br /> amounts for a week or two." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "As the lot stands it will not perk." <br /> Mr. Wall commented, "I would recommend installing a Clivus Multrum system in <br /> this town on a lot where the leaching facility has failed." <br /> Mr. O'Hala questioned the Board as to whether they may present new plans to <br /> include a composting type system." <br /> Mr. Doherty responded, "The Board would consider any alternative septic <br /> system." <br /> Mr. Wall commented, "In my opinion the system could be installed 25' from the <br /> edge of the wetland area." <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "I am concerned with the graywater." <br /> Mr. O'Hala stated, "Mr. Wall and I will submit something for the Board's review." <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape & Islands - White Water Estates <br /> Mr, John Slavinsky, P.E. requested this matter be continued until next week's <br /> meeting. <br /> Board members agreed to the request. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Tucker Spohr - 29 Hamblin Road <br /> Mr. Spohr was in the attendance for a preliminary discussion." <br />