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07/27/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
07/27/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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i <br /> MFNIUTES July 27, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> "This road is held privately and the attorney has ruled they own to the center of the road." <br /> "Public water will be supplied to the lots." "The easement is perpetual and allows the <br /> installation, construction and repair of a leaching facility." "It also has provisions that it <br /> can be shared." "The design capacity is 411 gallons per day." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "I have no problem with the system components and I don't <br /> have a problem granting variances for the septic and wells." "As we indicated prior, I <br /> would be agreeable to placing the system on that lot provided that the easement is <br /> recorded at the Registry of Deeds." <br /> Mr. Landers-Cauley stated, "We are proposing a F.A.S.T. denitrification system." <br /> "We propose to construct a shed to protect the system components from the elements." <br /> Mr. Doherty questioned, "There are three lots involved?" <br /> Mr. Landers-Cauley responded, "What has happened is they actually have a <br /> conveyance showing the two lots as being combined." "They forgot to register it on the <br /> land court side which is a mistake a lot of people make." "Their attorney will make the <br /> proper subnrission of documents to the registry on the land court side so this is one lot." <br /> "As it was not legally recorded we had to show it as two lots." <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "I do have some concerns." "On the last page of the easement <br /> draft it states that the one system can be shared however, they are two individual lots." <br /> "My other concern is when we granted this variance it was owned by one party and it was <br /> contiguous and I had no problem coming across the street and granting that but I have a <br /> problem with having two different owners." "The lots are now considered not <br /> contiguous." "I believe Title V states they must be contiguous lots." "If the Board grants <br /> the variances we could be opening a can of worms." <br /> Mr. Landers-Cauley stated, "The new Title V does allow for shared systems on <br /> i <br /> new construction." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "I have read references to shared systems in Title V." <br /> "With the transition of Title V I think we are all a little bit unsure about what's allowable <br /> and what's not." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I have mixed feelings." "I really don't know at this point." <br />
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