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a <br /> MINTUTES July 27, 1995 3 BOARD OF 11l::ALTI1 <br /> Mr. Spohr stated, "I proposed this plan before to all three of you and it is the same <br /> concept." "The idea was if you can get an easement we can do this." "You actually told <br /> me to go to a lawyer, get an easement and this will be okay." <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "It was discussed that the lots must be contiguous." "I don't <br /> think you can have two deeds in separate names." <br /> Mr. Cram relayed, "You've got two different people involved as opposed to one." <br /> Mr. Spohr commented, "Well, you wouldn't have an easement if you had one <br /> person." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "I think where the unclarity comes to play is how does <br /> the new Title V address this." <br /> Mr. Evans stated, "The new Title V is really designed around tondo's, cluster <br /> systems and things like that." <br /> Mr. Landers-Cauley stated, "Title V allows shared systems if you can prove that it <br /> complies with pre-Title V, changes to Title V 1978 version." "The 1978 version says if <br /> you can stay 50' away from the wetland and you can use that law then you can use a <br /> shared system." "What their hoping to do with shared systems is to get them away from <br /> the bays, wetlands and marshes and try to get better denitrification." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "We're not talking about a shared system we are talking about <br /> a potentially shared system." "We could, in fact, grant the variance with the stipulation <br /> that the system will never be shared." "If this lot is approved a distinctly different system <br /> may be required to be installed." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "If you can show us a zoning law that states it doesn't have to be <br /> contiguous and you can come across a road to make an easement with two different <br /> deeded people and two different lots I'll go along with this." "Maybe we should forward <br /> this to Town Counsel for his opinion." <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "What we're dealing with now is a system on another lot not <br /> held in common ownership." "Apparently, we have two Board members who are a little <br /> uncomfortable with placing a system on another lot." "The solution to this problem is to <br /> review the new Title V regulations." <br />