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MINUTES August 17, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 7.) Bi-monthly Transfer Stationjandfill inspection - Acknowledged. <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "Mr. DiMaggi.o is recommending we relocate the recycling area <br /> to an area where town residents cannot access the transfer station." `We could locate the <br /> swap-shop in the same area." <br /> Discussion took place regarding areas in which the recycling areaJswap-shop could <br /> be relocated. <br /> Mr. McQuaid will research the matter. <br /> 8.) Variance request 370/370A Monomoscoy Island Road - Mr. Evans relayed, <br /> "There are two homes on the property." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "The owner is proposing to voluntarily upgrade his <br /> cesspool system to a Title V system." "They will be connecting two cottages into one <br /> tank and one leach field." "Sideline variances are requested as well as a V depth to <br /> groundwater variance." <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended the Board request the owner to install an alternative <br /> technology system. <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "This is a voluntary upgrade." "The fact that the owner is willing <br /> to upgrade his system to current Title V requirements is satisfactory for me." <br /> Mr. Cram agreed. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed; "The owner is voluntarily upgrading to the most feasible <br /> compliance to the new Title V." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant the sideline variances and a V depth to groundwater <br /> variance as requested, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> 9.) Emergency failure certification, 45 Lisa Lane and 27 Sturgis Lane <br /> 45 LISA LANE - Mr. Evans relayed, "I inspected the site and found the leach pit <br /> overflowing onto the ground surface." <br /> Board members forwarded their signatures to the "Emergency Repair <br /> Certification" form. <br />