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MINUTES September 14, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> APPOINTMENT: Donald Rose - 2 Huron Avenue <br /> Mr. Donald Rose was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. Ms. Joan <br /> Muse, Realtor was also in attendance. <br /> Mr. Rose stated, "I am requesting the Board reconsider their vote of last week <br /> which denied my request for a variance." "I purchased the lot this past August." "Prior to <br /> my purchase I made sure we were 100' away from abutting wells." "I was assured by the <br /> real estate agent and engineer that a local variance would be granted." <br /> Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Rose, "Your engineer should have explained the town <br /> regulation of 150' separation." "The purpose of ther variance is to grant relief when no <br /> other alternatives exist." "The reason we denied the variance is because we don't believe <br /> you have exhausted all the alternatives." "In my opinion, I don't feel your engineer has <br /> probably suggested them to you either." "There are alternatives available." "The purpose <br /> of the 150' linear separation is to provide adequate distance for pathogen die-off and to <br /> provide additional distance for groundwater filtration." "If you don't have the 150' then <br /> we do expect some kind of alternative to be proposed." "Here, there is no alternative <br /> proposed." <br /> Mr. Rose stated, "I was informed the new alternative septic systems are very <br /> expensive." "That would place a financial burden on myself." "I was informed as long as <br /> you have 100' you were granted the local variances." <br /> Mr. Cram relayed, "We didn't have the alternatives available back then that we cio <br /> now." "Technology has changes quite a bit in the last few years so there are more <br /> alternatives." "On the Cape we have quick filtering sands which is why we are more <br /> stringent now." <br /> Mr. Doherty informed Mr. Rose, "What we're doing now, rather than 1granting <br /> blanket variances is, we're asking people who apply for a variance to look at these systems <br /> and where possible and feasible incorporate then in their plans." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned Mr. Rose, "Were you aware of this new policy?" <br /> Mr. Rose responded, "No." <br /> Mr. Doherty relayed, "The regulation between well and septic is 10 years old." <br /> "The variances applied for were automatically or routinely granted because there were no <br /> alternatives available, there are alternatives available now." <br />