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• y• <br /> MINUTES September 14, 1995 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "The ground flow is not in the direction of the abutting well." <br /> "How will the septic interfere with the well?" <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "If he wants a variance and he doesn't meet the requiremenis <br /> we don't have to grant a variance." <br /> Mr. Rose stated, "If the lot is in a preapproved subdivision I thought the lot would <br /> be grandfathered to meet the requirements at that time." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "Every single individual lot contributes to the problem." "My <br /> point of view is that if we can start now one lot at a time we begin to mitigate the <br /> problem." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "We had these alternative systems last year; they were approved <br /> by D.E.P.." "Why didn't we start doing it last year." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "We have to start sometime." <br /> Mr. Ball relayed, "If we are going to institute a policy or regulation that rewires <br /> alternative systems then we should advertise and do it properly." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "The impact of this decision is wise spread." "I also <br /> think we should publicize it." <br /> Ms. Muse stated, "My office happened to be the one who sold Mr. Rose the lot." <br /> "If we had known of the Board's decision and costs we never would have sold this lot." <br /> "There were other lots available that Mr. Rose could have purchased." "If Mr. Rose has <br /> to install this type of system then there will be no profit." <br /> Mr. Dohertv stated, "Agreed, but when the groundwater becomes undrinkable <br /> that's going to affect profit too and that's my overriding concern here." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, A agree but I think we're early here." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to reconsider the vote taken by the Board of September 7, 1995, <br /> no second was motioned, motion failed. <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "The plan is incomplete." <br /> I : <br />