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09/14/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
09/14/1995 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES September 14, 1995 5 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> the site and certify the fact that the rear cesspool is in failure in which case the owner can <br /> bypass the services and costs of an engineer." <br /> Ms. Muse stated, "I retained ABCO to locate and pump the system." "They found <br /> water in the pipe." "It was in total failure." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to deem the leaching facility at 5 Hunt Circle in failure pending <br /> certification by the health agent that it meets failure criteria, Mr. Cram seconded, all <br /> agreed. <br /> Jack Fresco - 7 Shields Road <br /> Mr. &Mrs. Fresco were in attendance for discussion. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Mr. Fresco is proposing to spend more time on the Cape <br /> then previously." "He would like to expand his living area, not the number of bedrooms <br /> but a study and dining area." "Due to the age of the house there is eery little information <br /> on file." "ABCO performed a short form inspection and it basically passed." "I did <br /> recommend a septic inspector perform a full inspection." "Mr. Fresco retained a certified <br /> inspector." "There are two trenches going off the septic tank." "The tank capacity is 750 <br /> j gallons." "Their existing well is less than 100' but greater than 50' however, they are <br /> tying in to town water in the next few weeks." <br /> i <br /> Mr. Fresco stated, "I was present when the inspector inspected my system." "He <br /> dug below the pipe and no water was found." "We do propose to utilize our well for <br /> irrigation purposes only." "Our dwelling will be tied into town water." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to approve the proposed expansion utilizing the existing <br /> j leaching facility, Mr. Cram seconded; all agreed. <br /> 5.) Perc extension request, 95 Hacking Circle - Mr. McQuaid relayed, The Board <br /> previously granted a six month perc extension which will expire in four days." "Due to <br /> revisions in the architectural plans the owner is requesting a two month perc extension." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a two month perc extension from the expiration date of <br /> the first extension, Mr. Cram seconded, all agreed. <br /> 6.) Emersencv failure certification 41 Fiddler Crab Lane - Mr_ McQuaid relayed, <br /> "This is a old Title V system which was installed in 1971." "The pit is clogged up." <br />
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