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MINUTES October 5, 1995 4 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Residential water sources-primary vs. secondary <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "I spoke with Mr. Durmer today." "Originally, he <br /> wanted to appear before us tonight to have the Board declare his well a source of drinking <br /> water." "I recommended Mr. Durmer forward a letter to Board stating that he would lake <br /> us to declare his well as the primary drinking water source." "Should that request fail he <br /> should ask the Board to declare his well as the secondary drinking water source which will <br /> maintain a protective radius around his well." "I told Mr. Durmer I will probably deny the <br /> request and refer it to town counsel because from a legal point of view the Board can only <br /> consider a single source of drinking water not multiples or backups." <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "There is another individual who is serviced by town water but <br /> would like to utilize his well for drinking water purposes however, his abutter, who is <br /> constructing a new home, will be placing his leaching facility within 100' of his well." <br /> "The reserve could be moved to a location which would maintain 100'." <br /> Mr. Doherty commented, "For reasons of septic consideration the Board needs to <br /> be able to designate a source of water." <br /> Mr. Cram relayed, "Public water must be monitored quarterly therefore the quality <br /> is assured." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "When you're on town water we are confident you are <br /> maintaining a potable water source." "A private well is not monitored as frequently <br /> therefore, the quality is not assured." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "Some people like myself would like to hook into town <br /> water but I just want to lay a dead line." "If you call the water district they may indicate I <br /> am on town water but I am not." <br /> Mr. Doherty recommended, "What if when town water connections are made it is <br /> noted on the plan but we also note the well?" "Right now if our plans indicate he is on <br /> town water we abandon all acknowledgment of the well." "All I'm saying now it that we <br /> don't abandon the acknowledgment of the well, we acknowledge that it's there and <br /> whenever possible you stay away from it but that will not preclude an abutter from <br /> building. <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "In my opinion the engineers should stick to the well and septic <br /> locations on the master plan." <br />