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MINUTES November 2, 1995 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> material and also traditional recyclable materials." "The layout of the building is <br /> approximately 21,000 square feet." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "I think the Board of Health would like to have one <br /> individual handle all our recyclables." <br /> Mr. DiMaggio commented, "There is only 10% of the construction and demolition <br /> material being landfilled." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I would recommend Mr. Bodjiak submit a proposal <br /> explaining what he is offering for all recycling services and the terms." <br /> 41 <br /> Mr. Bodjiak stated, "I am looking for a ten year contract on the construction and <br /> demolition debris." <br /> Discussion took place regarding the current recycling markets. <br /> Mr. Bodjiak stated, "I'll drop by in a day or two to obtain more particulars and <br /> volumes." <br /> OUONSET HUT <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I went out to Otis with Michael Scipione from Weston & <br /> Sampson." "Mr. Scipione measured the Quonset Hut and will work on the foundation.. <br /> plan." "It seems obvious that we must now go through D.E.P. to get their permission to <br /> place it where we think it should be placed, which is opposite the recycling center, as that <br /> location is a section of the capped portion of the landfill." "Selectmen Costa <br /> recommended we place it to the left of the entrance gate as that area is not capped." "I <br /> requested Mr. Scipione assess both places." "I am concerned that the but is very homely." <br /> Mr. DiMaggio questioned, "Who is going to be responsible for the building and its <br /> maintenance?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "The Board of Health will take on the maintenance of it <br /> but not the operation." "The military has offered to sandblast the hut." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "This is not a Quonset but it is an artillery bunker with no <br /> windows." <br />