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MINUTES May 7, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> 7.) Compost screening quote - Mr. McQuaid stated, "We received three quotes for <br /> screening of the compost as follows: Peter Watts $4.00/yard and will provide a 1" screen, <br /> S. Joseph DiMaggio $4.00/yard, a 1/z" screen will be provided and Cape Resources <br /> $6.00/yard, a 3/4" screen will be provided." "I did contact Chop & Block however, they <br /> do not screen." <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "In my opinion Mr. DiMaggio should be chosen as all the <br /> equipment is already on-site, his quote matched that of Mr. Watts and he is utilizing a 1/z <br /> inch screen. <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "I would recommend we go with Mr. DiMaggio's quote of <br /> $4.00/yard with a 1/2 inch screen." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to award screening of the compost to S. Joseph DiMaggio <br /> with the stipulation costs do not exceed $5,000.00, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> *****NEW BUSINESS***** <br /> Mobile Food permit request - Cape Cod Cookie Original <br /> Mr. Evans relayed, "The applicant has received permission and is proposing to use <br /> Chris the King Parish Hall kitchen to bake the cookies." "They will be sold from a cart in <br /> the Mashpee Commons area." "I recommend approval." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to grant a 1998 Mobile Food Permit to "Cape Cod Cookie <br /> Originals", Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> Illegal DuMping Citation- David Drew <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Approximately one month ago I issued a dumping citation <br /> to David Drew from Teaticket." "I found garbage bags strewn off Grafton Pocknett Road <br /> with Mr. Drew's name on much of its contents." "I issued Mr. Drew a citation." "He <br /> subsequently contacted me and I met him out at the site." "Mr. Drew owns a landscaping <br /> business in Falmouth and found it hard to believe it was his trash." "He has a dumpster at <br /> his business and curbside pickup for his household trash as all of Falmouth does." "Mr. <br /> Drew also informed me he is an active member of the Falmouth Beautification Council." <br /> "All the trash was removed by Mr. Drew." "I would recommend the Board rescind the <br /> violation." <br />