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T <br /> M INUTES May 21, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> but it looks like his did as well." "In speaking with Mr. Evans I did question whether <br /> there was any way to reduce the fine." "It is definitely Mr. Parolski's trash and my trash." <br /> "There was certainly no malicious intent." <br /> Mr. Cram questioned Ms. Koblinsky, "How do you normally dispose of your <br /> trash.?" <br /> Ms. Koblinsky responded, "I take it to the dump." <br /> Mr. Cram questioned Ms. Koblinsky, "Do you have a dump sticker?" <br /> Ms. Koblinsky responded, "As of two days ago yes." "Prior to that I didn't have a <br /> car as it was destroyed out of state." `Before it was destroyed I had a dump sticker on <br /> it." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "This is a back road, you need a four wheel drive vehicle to <br /> get to this dump site." "Why would someone helping you out to get rid of your trash take <br /> that route." "It's hard to believe it fell out." <br /> Ms. Koblinsky commented, "I can't explain anymore because I wasn't there." "All <br /> I can tell you is that I wasn't transporting it." "My neighbor was trying to do a good deed <br /> by taking my trash." <br /> Mr. Cram questioned Ms. Koblinsky, "Does Mr. Parolski have a dump sticker?" <br /> Ms. Koblinsky responded, "I don't know." <br /> Mr_ Ball stated, "I don't think Ms. Koblinsky knew what was going on." "In my <br /> opinion, we should rescind the fine issued to Ms. Koblinsky but not Mr. Parolski until he <br /> comes before the Board." "The site should be cleaned up by both parties." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "I would recommend the Board continue this matter <br /> until we hear from Mr. Parolski." "As you know, you own your trash from cradle to <br /> grave and unless you can prove that you are absolutely not to blame for some illegal <br /> dumping then I don't think the Board should rescind the fine at this time." <br /> Mr. Cram commented, "We need to hear from the other party involved before we <br /> make a decision." <br /> Mr. Ball agreed. <br />