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05/21/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/21/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 21, 1998 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to continue this matter pending the presence of both parties at <br /> an upcoming meeting, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 2.) Letter to D.P.H. re: Fish testin - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "I was requested <br /> through Selectmen CafTyn to request the D.P.H. to consider testing the fish in John's and <br /> Ashumet Ponds and Mashpee/Wakeby Pond." "I since heard that they had agreed to test <br /> the fish in Mashpee/Wakeby Pond however, I have not heard whether they will test the <br /> fish in John's and Ashumet Ponds." <br /> Acknowledged <br /> 3.) Revised Plans, lb Popponesset Island Road - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "The Board <br /> approved a ruck system for this addition back in January." "Plans have been revised <br /> which now indicate the applicant would like to install a Eco Ruck System." "This is a new <br /> system which is approved by D.E.P.." "It will be the first one on the Cape if approved." <br /> "I have reviewed plans and recommend approval." "We will receive initial test results and <br /> after one year the D.E.P. will either approve it as an alternative system or not." <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to approve revised plans indicating the installation of a Eco <br /> Ruck System, Mr. Ball seconded. <br /> 4.) Commercial plans, 502 Route 13.0 - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "This is quite a large <br /> system." "A reserve area would not be necessitated if they are installing a denitrification <br /> unit." "A beauty salon is proposed which must be pumped into a tight tank which will <br /> require D.E.P. approval." <br /> Mr. Ball questioned, "Are M.D.C. type drains proposed?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "No, they are not." "In my opinion a denitrification unit <br /> is not warranted." "We will have to wait until D.E_P. approves the tight tank plan." <br /> "Once approval is received I will forward a letter to them to consider the installation of a <br /> denitrification unit rather than a secondary leaching field." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 5.) Agreement for AFCEE to pay for pond sampling - Mr. McQuaid relayed, "They <br /> have agreed to pay for our v.o.c. sampling of John's and Ashumet Ponds this summer <br /> which totals $3,080.00." <br /> Mr. Ball forwarded his signature to the agreement. <br />
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