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07/02/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
07/02/1998 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES July 2, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball commented, "This is the plan that W. Doherty questioned why there <br /> were two pipes extending from the house." <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I am satisfied with revised plans." "The engineer explained <br /> the question that Mr. Doherty had." <br /> Board members approved revised plans as submitted. <br /> 4.) State Revolving Fund Program, F.Y.I. - Mr. McQuaid stated, "I traveled to the <br /> D.E.P. in Lakeville with the Town Accountant last week." "We are accepted into this <br /> priority fund for the State Revolving Fund." "It is a negative interest program." <br /> Acknowledged. <br /> 5.) Transfer Station Operator Contract Renewal - Mr. McQuaid stated, "We are <br /> eligible to renew the contract on an annual basis." "We also have the prerogative to take <br /> it out to bid on an annual basis if we are not satisfied with the performance of the <br /> contractor." "The contract as of yesterday through the end of June 1999 increases from <br /> $290,800.00 to $315,780.00." <br /> Mr. Cram relayed, "We do need a container with a cover for the bulky waste." <br /> Mr. Bail questioned, "Are we allowed to stock pile this in a closed area or do we <br /> have to haul it out?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "There is nothing in writing yet from the D.E.P.." "I <br /> think a lot of landfills around the southeast region are facing the same situation." "I have <br /> been researching where we can purchase a roll-off container, in the mean time I don't <br /> think D.E.P will have a problem with us stockpiling it near the transfer station." <br /> Mr. Bali commented, "We're going to have to charge the residents for disposal of <br /> the bulky waste." <br /> Mr. McQuaid commented, "We should request Mr. DiMaggio to attend an <br /> upcoming meeting to discuss this matter." <br /> Board members agreed with Mr. Cram and directed the health agent to contact <br /> Mr. DiMaggio and request his attendance at the next regularly scheduled meeting date. <br /> Discussion took place regarding the contract price for the second year. <br />
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