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1VII1,TUTS October 22, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Southport Occu anc <br /> Mr. Ronald Bonvie was in attendance for discussion. <br /> Mr. McQuaid relayed, "Eight or nine years ago the Board agreed the equalizing <br /> tank could be used as a holding tank until the treatment plant is on line." Mr. Bonvie <br /> submitted bonds to pump the tank as necessitated." "In March of 1998 Mr. Bonvie <br /> requested percussion to use the holding tanks again." "The Board agreed with the <br /> stipulation D.E.P. approve the wastewater treatment plant as fully operational." "Mr. <br /> Mezzacappa was at the site and found the plant 95% operational." "He agreed to allow <br /> Southport to bypass the treatment plant, use the sludge holding tank as a septic tank, <br /> connect it to the pump chamber and discharge it into the existing leaching field." "I have <br /> no problem with that." "According to D.E.P. we can sign-off on occupancy permits for <br /> 45 two bedroom units or 10,000 gallons per day." "Once they exceed the 45 units they <br /> must turn on the plant." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to rescind the Boards approval for renewal of 109 building <br /> permits for the Southport development, Mr. Cram seconded. <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant up to 45 occupancy permits or up to 10,000 gallons <br /> per day of effluent to the Southport Retirement Community, Mr. Cram seconded. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape & Islands Engineering - 1 Santuit Lane <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky was in attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "At the previous meeting this Board did request the applicant <br /> to propose the installation of a denitrification unit for the property." <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated, "Plans presented this evening do include a F.A.S.T_ system." <br /> "Mounding the system will not affect abutters as there is a containment wall which is <br /> waterproofed." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to grant a 1' local variance from the regulation which requires <br /> 4' of naturally occurring permeable soil between the bottom of the soil absorption system <br /> and groundwater, a 2' sideline variance and a 2' variance from the waterproof wall to the <br /> soil absorption system, Mr. Cram seconded. <br />