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MINUTES November 12, 1998 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> ponds." "The letter states they did collect fish from Mashpee/Wakeby Pond." "A number <br /> of species were sampled." "Their explanation for it taking so long is they couldn't find a <br /> lab. that could test for what we had asked for which is volatiles, semi-volatiles, e_t.b_, etc." <br /> "They finally found a lab. that can test for these contaminants in these fish_" "We haven't <br /> received the results yet." "They offered to help us analyze the results when we do get <br /> them but as far as Johns and Ashumet Ponds they don't have it in their budget to test fish <br /> out of those ponds." "They are suggesting we request the Air Force to test the fish in <br /> those ponds." "It's surprising to me that it has taken since May, when I wrote the letter, <br /> for a response." "I don't know if you want me to pursue it with Johns and Ashumet <br /> ponds based on the recent discoveries of contamination in those ponds." "At this point, I <br /> don't think we need to go forward one more step, let's-sit on it for a month and see if <br /> some of these other agencies that were copied on this might help us in pushing for more <br /> analysis." <br /> Mr. Cram questioned Mr. McQuaid as to when he feels the Board should request <br /> additional testing." <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, `Based on the recent discovery of the hot zone in Johns <br /> Pond and the possibility of fisherman consuming fish from that area I could say we need to <br /> test Johns Pond within 30 days." "Ashumet Pond is not even posted for mercury." <br /> "Johns Pond is a concern of mine." "I would like to, without even waiting for the results <br /> from Mashpee/Wakeby, send another letter to Susan Condon saying we have this hot spot <br /> and have people still fishing there in droves and we need to test the fish in there." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to direct the agent to forward a letter to the D.P.H. <br /> requesting they test Johns Pond before the pond freezes over, Mr. Ball seconded, all <br /> agreed. <br /> b_) Food Service Application, The Womans Body Shoop - Mr. McQuaid relayed, <br /> "They have a food service operation going in there." "They had to purchase additional <br /> land to put in a non-community public water supply." "The D.E.P. had to approve it." "I <br /> spoke with a representative from D.E.P. this morning who relayed that the water was fine, <br /> as far as a public water supply well goes, but just wanted to make one final inspection to <br /> ensure the owner was not storing hazardous material around the well." "I did not hear <br /> from him this morning, so as far as I am concerned they are set to go." "I don't have <br /> approval from D.E.P. of the separate holding tank for the salon." "I will take a verbal <br /> from D.E.P. that the tank is approved as they do want to open Saturday." <br /> I <br />