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05/19/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
05/19/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES May 19, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Part-time Clerk <br /> Mr. Cram and Mr. Doherty stated that they felt the position was warranted due <br /> to the increased workload. Mr. Ball stated that he is not in favor of this <br /> position. <br /> Composting Bin Revolving Account <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Coastal Waste Management re: Transfer Station <br /> Mr. Maurice Cassanelli and Mr. Raymond Esper of Coastal Waste Management were in <br /> attendance for this scheduled appointment. Also in attendance were Michael & Nick <br /> DiMaggio. <br /> Mr. Esper stated, "I want to thank the Board for taking the time to talk with us this <br /> evening. Basically our concern centers around the Board's pleasure concerning the <br /> necessary addition of two additional trailers at the transfer station over and above the <br /> current required amount. We've had some communication and discussions with <br /> members of the Board and we would like to get their input as to which direction seems <br /> the most appropriate to proceed. Obviously I think the options you people are familiar <br /> with and some of the concerns we have as a management team in maintaining the <br /> current status quo and the options that are available to the Board relative to trying to <br /> alleviate the current problems. Just to summarize it for everyone here: currently the <br /> contract stipulates the availability of two trailers with one additional back-up as <br /> needed. The term back-up is somewhat ambiguous from the standpoint that, does the <br /> term back-up mean `to utilize in a regular manner or a consistent manner for hauling <br /> waste' or was the intent of the word back-up to consist upon having the availability of <br /> the trailer should one of our trailers break down? That was something that, in our <br /> discussions thus far, I don't think anyone has really been able to answer. And that is <br /> more of a contractual, legal thing that probably has to be addressed, or could be <br /> addressed. Our concern centers more around how do we keep this facility functioning <br /> at the same level that we are doing now? As everyone knows Otis, where the trailers <br /> are transferred to, closes at 12:00 on Saturday, which means our last load, our trailer, <br /> whether half full or full has to be pulled out of our hole no later than 10:00 on <br /> Saturday and transferred over to Otis to empty it to leave the availability for an empty <br /> trailer. So at 10:00 the trailer is emptied and pulled out and a new trailer is pulled in <br /> and, under the current volume that is being done, during peak times that trailer can <br /> be filled again in two hours. At that point, we would then pull that trailer out and be <br /> dump that trailer because the facility is closed and the second trailer is in <br /> the hole and that could be filled up by 3:00, before closing. This leaves no availability <br /> for Sunday. We've had four trailers on site since the beginning of the contract and we <br /> lost our fourth trailer. We've had instances this winter already where, because of the <br /> scenario that was just stated, that we filled three trailers and had to seek advice or <br /> counsel from one of the Board members to close the station down earlier on Sunday <br /> because we couldn't accept anymore volume. That's with three trailers. Our analysis <br /> and experience has been is that four trailers are needed to be utilized. I think we've <br /> had conversations in the past where I think you people have kind of agreed upon the <br /> fact that three or four trailers are probably needed in order to do the job. The word <br /> back-up comes back into play in that if we only run with three trailers, whether or not <br /> that word back-up is qualified as to regular usage of the trailer or as a back-up for a <br /> failed trailer, if one of our trailers,goes down now that leaves us with two trailers. If <br />
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