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MINUTES May 19, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> we have maintenance on one of our trailers for some unfortunate reason, we are <br /> essentially stuck with two trailers. We're lucky if we can then get through the day or a <br /> Saturday with two trailers during the winter season; summer season forget about it. <br /> Those are brief generalizations of the concerns that come to our attention in the <br /> analysis of the demands for trailers at the transfer station. Discussion has been <br /> taken, on an informal basis, as to how can you alleviate that. Is it practical to do a, b, <br /> or c? I don't know and that's not our decision. It's something that we seek the <br /> Board's pleasure to. If you have another alternative, we'd certainly be willing to listen <br /> to it. But we find it hard, in the current scenario, that if our trailers fill up early now, <br /> we have to make a conscious effort to contact one of the Board members and say "hey, <br /> should we shut down or can we close the gate?" and obviously the answer has to be <br /> yes because you can't pile the trash on the floor. So, if we can get some direction and <br /> input from you people as to, #1 how you want us to proceed under the current <br /> scenario, #2 what's the Board's pleasure in providing the necessary additional two <br /> trailers." <br /> Mr. Ball responded, "We did send a letter out to Town Counsel not too long ago. <br /> Basically Elias asked for their assistance or determination whether to go with a, b, c or <br /> d. One was do nothing, prepare a change order, or contract price change or reduce <br /> the hours of operation meaning to align... Sundays would be off. Sundays you just <br /> wouldn't be open. We haven't had a response from them yet. Or re-bid would be <br /> another option." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "We did get a response, unfortunately I don't have it in this package <br /> here. I didn't bring all the stuff from two or three previous weeks with me, <br /> unfortunately, to answer all the questions." <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I know we had a response from Weston & Sampson." <br /> Mr. Esper stated, "Mr. Chairman, we had sent you a letter back about three or four <br /> weeks ago and..." <br /> Mr. Cram continued, "Anal we've been playing hopscotch with the meetings in the <br /> meantime since." <br /> Mr. Esper continued, "Right. I just want to bring to the Board's attention that we're <br /> in the process of, to maintain the standard at the site, doing capital budget purchases. <br /> Unless we know what direction... We're very close, we're in the process of having <br /> trailers shipped down tomorrow for that matter. We have to have an idea or direction <br /> as to the intention of the Board. For us to carry on in this scenario for any length of <br /> time is a problem." <br /> Mr. Cram stated, "Can I ask a very specific question at this time? You say you are in <br /> the process of having trailers shipped down tomorrow. What kind of price tag is on <br /> these trailers?" <br /> j Mr. Esper responded, "What kind of price tag are on these trailers?" <br /> Mr. Cram added, "Please." <br />