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07/01/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
07/01/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES July 1, 1999 3 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> somebody's right to make a living or to sell a legal product. If any violations are <br /> found, we will pull all of your permits." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant the tobacco sales permit. Mr. Ball seconded the <br /> motion. Mr. Cram was opposed. Motion passed. <br /> Mr. Ball cautioned Mr. Vidal, "We're going to be watching this very closely." <br /> C. Mr. Perreira gave a brief history of the previous request for a retail food permit <br /> to sell produce at the flea market. <br /> Mr. Ball asked, "What is your past experience in selling produce and products <br /> like this?" <br /> Mr. Perreira responded, "I've been doing it for over 20 years." <br /> Mr. Doherty asked Mr. McQuaid, "How has his operation been with regard to <br /> selling lobsters?" <br /> Mr. McQuaid responded, "Meticulous." <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a retail food permit for the sale of produce to <br /> Humberto Perreira at Dick & Ellie's Flea Market with a concentration in native <br /> products. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Mr. Cram was opposed. Motion <br /> passed. <br /> APPOINTMENT Mr. Michael Grotzke re: Brickyard Marketplace <br /> Mr. Grotzke was in attendance for his scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Grotzke stated, "We have downsized our plan to use what's available and <br /> use a FAST system which will give us 1,000 gallons per day." <br /> Mr. Ball asked, "Are you putting a denitrification unit in?" <br /> Mr. Grotzke responded, "Yes. I wasn't able to get in touch with the State at all <br /> today. I believe DEP has said that we can't use any of the road area. It is <br /> strictly just the 72,916 square feet of the lot, not counting private ways. I still <br /> would like to get that clarified from both the Board and the State. These are <br /> just preliminary plans as we haven't developed there fully yet. We have moved <br /> i <br /> the leaching area and have agreed to do a perc test at the site of the system." <br /> Mr. Ball motioned to accept the denitrification unit and grant a credit on the <br /> reserve pending the receipt of the final plans. Mr. Cram seconded the motion. <br /> Motion passed. <br /> 3. Request for transfer of funds - solid waste account <br /> Board acknowledged. <br />
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