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MINUTES July 15, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Ball added, "Well also add that you will be hooking these people up to Town Water <br /> upon request. But what about pre-existing wells?" <br /> Mr. Minor responded, "We sample those twice a year right now so that we're sure that <br /> the water quality is safe for them." <br /> At this time Joan Miles, Regional Council for the Environmental Protection Agency <br /> joined the meeting via teleconference. <br /> Ms. Miles stated, "The first question that I think is the one of most concern to us is <br /> that the moratorium, as written, seems to only apply to wells that are currently in <br /> existence as opposed to a moratorium on future well drilling. I wanted to ask the <br /> Board whether they believe this covers applications for permits to drill new wells in <br /> areas of existing or potential contamination?" <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the wording of the Moratorium on Ground Water Wells. <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "We'd be open to adding the words 'existing and future residential' <br /> wells to the moratorium as written.' <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to insert the words 'existing and future residential'in the <br /> Moratorium on Ground Water Wells. Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. Motion <br /> passed. <br /> John's Pond Update <br /> Mr. Mike Minior of AFCEE and Mr. Paul Marchessault of the EPA were in attendance <br /> for this discussion. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "I received this letter last week from Jim Snyder of AFCEE asking <br /> us to review a draft fact sheet on the ground water plume upwelling in John's Pond. <br /> Mr. Minior, what actually brought this about considering the fact that we've worked <br /> together with the DEP and the EPA and AFCEE to update our pond fact sheet that <br /> came out in June? I don't know where this is coming from based on the fact that we <br /> got a fact sheet out." <br /> Mr. Minior responded, "There was a recommendation made by the Joint Process <br /> Action Team that perhaps it would be good to come up with an information sheet <br /> specifically dealing with the SD5 south TCE plume that is upwelling at the boat ramp <br /> in the pond. At their suggestion we put together this fact sheet which we submit to <br /> you for your consideration as to whether it is something you would want to post at the <br /> town beach.'. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "The Board of Health has agreed to post Mashpee-Wakeby pond <br /> and John's Pond for the concern of mercury in the fish. That came as a suggestion <br /> not a directive from the MA DPH because the mercury levels weren't exceeded; they <br /> were half of what the MCL on mercury for fish is. If the EPA and DPH send us this <br /> update and recommended that we post John's Pond, I think that would carry a lot <br /> more significance than this coming from the Installation Restoration Program. My <br /> opinion is that the Board should be very leery in succumbing to requests such as this <br /> without the State being fully behind it." <br />