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11/04/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
11/04/1999 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES November 4, 1999 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated that he will not grant a variance when there is another feasible <br /> solution that maintains a 100' separation. He noted that, technically and feasibly, he <br /> could use the trenching system. <br /> Mr. Sanicki stated that with the trench system, he would have a 55' long trench. He <br /> stated that he has originally designed a "Cadillac" system - a system for people who <br /> use it properly and not have a maintenance problem. However, if Conservation wants <br /> to move the house, he will have to sacrifice the "Cadillac" system. He noted that the <br /> trench system is allowable under Title V and this will give them another four feet by <br /> putting in the trench system. Mr. Sanicki also stated that he already knows he can't <br /> move this house closer than 30' in this neighborhood because it won't be approved by <br /> the Board of Appeals. <br /> Mr. Sanicki stated that he wants to know the opinion of the Board of Health so he can <br /> go to the meeting with Conservation and let them know his options. <br /> The Board of Health members stated that they would not approve the plan with the <br /> distance of 85' knowing that they have an option of going 100' away. <br /> 1. Sign Warrants. Warrants signed. <br /> 2. Approve Minutes of September 2, 1999 Meeting <br /> Mr. Cram motioned to postpone approval of the minutes for September 2, 1999, <br /> since Mr. Doherty did not attend the meeting and Mr. Ball was not present to <br /> approve the minutes. Mr. Doherty seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 3. Variance Requests <br /> Variance: 25 Coombs Lane <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance for 25 Coombs Lane. Applicant is requesting <br /> a 30'variance from the proposed soil absorption system to the proposed private <br /> well; a 10'variance from the proposed private well to the soil absorption system <br /> located at #29 Coombs Lane; and an 8'variance from the proposed private well <br /> to the soil absorption system located at #14 Coombs Lane. <br /> The proposed soil absorption system will be 120' (150'required/30'variance) <br /> from the proposed private well. The proposed private well will be 140' (150' <br /> required/10'variance) from the soil absorption system located at #29 Coombs <br /> Lane and 142' (150' required/8'variance) from the soil absorption system <br /> located at #14 Coombs Lane. <br /> Mr. Cram made a motion to deny the variance requests because of inadequate <br /> plans - Items #1 and #2 on the cover letter are not delineated on the plans. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Doherty. Motion Passed. <br /> Variance: 33 Coombs Lane <br /> Applicant is requesting a variance for 33 Coombs Lane. Applicant is requesting <br />
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