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MINUTES April 13, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Eichner and the Board agreed to have Mashpee Town Planner Tom Fudala come <br /> before the Board to discuss nitrogen sensitive areas and potentially affected lots and . <br /> the future of the town sewer plans. Mr. Eichner agreed to forward to the Board a draft <br /> nitrogen regulation. The Board will ask Dr. Brian Howes to come to a future Board of <br /> Health meeting to further discuss these topics. <br /> 1. Sign warrants. Warrants signed. <br /> 2. Approve Minutes of March 23, 2000 8, April 6, 2000 meetings fif available) <br /> Approval of minutes was postponed until all Board members are present. <br /> 3. Letter from_MMR-AFCEE re: pond testing_cost <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> 4. Letter from Mr. Smith re: well location at 20 Lady Slipper Lane <br /> Board members reviewed the letter submitted by Mr. Smith of 20 Lady Slipper <br /> Lane regarding a possible well to septic variance. Board members agreed to ask <br /> the engineer (Christopher Costa) to attend a regularly scheduled meeting to <br /> explain the situation where the well wasn't installed in the location indicated on <br /> the subdivision master plan. However, approved plans had already been <br /> submitted and approved. Mr. Craze motioned to grant the variance as <br /> requested with the stipulation that Mr. Costa comes before the Board at a later <br /> date to explain the situation. Mr. Ball seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 5. Emergency Repair Certification <br /> 5 Surrey Place <br /> Mr. McQuaid indicated that the cesspool is full. Board members forwarded <br /> their signatures to the emergency failure certification form. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> a. Emergency Repair Certification <br /> 13 Egret Court <br /> Ms. Warden indicated that the leach pit is full and overflowing onto the ground <br /> surface. The installation of a new distribution box and 2 500-gallon drywells <br /> with 3' stone is necessary. Board members forwarded their signatures to the <br /> emergency failure certification form. <br /> b. Preliminary Plans for a 2-lot commercial subdivision (5.2 acres) for Pizzeria Uno <br /> Board acknowledged. <br /> C. Memo from Town Clerk <br /> Discussion took place regarding the possibility of discounting transfer station <br /> stickers from April 1st each year until July 1st at the request of the Town Clerk. <br /> It was noted that in the past, a new resident has had to pay the full cost of a <br /> transfer station sticker even when the sticker is purchased in late spring. <br /> There has never been a pro-rated sticker in the past. <br /> i <br />