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MINUTES November 30, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> house and build a new five-bedroom house in place of the existing four- <br /> bedroom house. A FAST system is proposed. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to grant a six-month extension on the perc test at 6 <br /> Crosstree Way. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br /> 5. 4-Lot Definitive Subdivsion plan approval - 600 Forestdale_Road <br /> Discussion took place regarding the drainage swales designed on the plan <br /> submitted. Board members expressed their concerns about the drainage issue <br /> causing a health concern due to the potential for mosquito breeding grounds. <br /> Ms. Warden also indicated that VOC testing needs to be performed due to the <br /> location of the project. <br /> Board members continued this item with no action taken. They will request <br /> that the engineer attend the next scheduled Board meeting to discuss the <br /> project further. <br /> APPOINTMENT: Cape & Islands Eng. re: 3 Westwood Rd. (aka 4 Aunt Jane's Rd.) <br /> Mr. John Slavinsky of Cape & Islands Engineering was in attendance for this <br /> scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Slavinsky stated that the house changed but that the leaching is remaining in the <br /> same location as the original design. <br /> Ms. Warden stated that a perc test was performed on the lot in 1995 and that three <br /> different engineering firms have submitted plans for the septic design. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to accept the revised plans submitted by Cape & Islands <br /> Engineering for 3 Westwood Road (aka 4 Aunt Jane's Road). Mr. Santos seconded the <br /> motion. Motion passed. <br /> 6. Final Plan approval (commercial) - 11 Echo Road <br /> Discussion took place regarding the plans submitted for the commercial project <br /> at 11 Echo Road. Mr. Doherty questioned the required distance from the water <br /> quality swale to any abutting wells. Ms. Warden indicated that the swale flows <br /> away from the well and that Title V has no distance requirement from a <br /> drainage swale to a well. Mr. Doherty further indicated that he would like new <br /> plans submitted showing a 150' arc from all wells instead of the 100' arc <br /> delineated on the submitted plans. <br /> Mr. Doherty motioned to approve the plans for 11 Echo Road with the <br /> stipulation that a revised plan is submitted showing a 150' arc from all abutting <br /> and on-site wells, a paved parking area, the berm leading to the catch basin <br /> must have an absorbent pad and monitored every six months, and VOC and <br /> general water testing must be completed. Mr. Santos seconded the motion. <br /> Motion passed. <br />