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09/21/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
09/21/2000 BOARD OF HEALTH Minutes
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MINUTES April 13, 2000 2 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Board members decided to send a memo to the Board of Selectmen stating that <br /> they do not recommend the approval of the waste oil heater at this time <br /> APPOINTMENT: Norman Haves (BSC Group) re: Dewatered pert - Monomoscov Road <br /> Attorney Kevin Kirrane and BSC Group representative Michael Petrin were in <br /> attendance for this scheduled appointment. <br /> Mr. Kirrane stated, "As you recall, we were here several weeks back just to give you an <br /> idea of what we were proposing in terms of a proposed septic system and what steps <br /> we would be taking. We have engaged BSC to pursue all of the necessary permitting <br /> in connection with doing that. They have been before the Conservation Commission. <br /> They have gotten permission from the Conservation Commission to conduct the test <br /> without filing a Notice of Intent. They have hired a well driller who had to drill four <br /> wells on the property to conduct the dewatering of the percolation test to the tune of <br /> $106,000 to try to perform that. I guess the only question is how that pert test should <br /> be conducted. It was suggested that it should be done at high tide on a full moon and <br /> on a Thursday when the Board conducts these perc tests." "I'm not sure why, <br /> necessarily that it would need to be conducted at high tide. We've already provided <br /> the Board with information on groundwater levels, both at low and at high tide. They <br /> have made some conservative adjustments for that and we think it will have a greater <br /> impact if we do it at high tide because there may be a need then, perhaps, to drill <br /> another well on the site in order to do that from an overall environmental point of <br /> view." "We're trying to move along with this as quickly as possible." "I'm not even sure <br /> if the Board has some regulation in place that requires it to be done at high tide.. I <br /> don't think the state Title V has a requirement in place that requires it to be done at <br /> high tide." <br /> Mr. Petrin stated, "We already have a groundwater observation and we can adjust <br /> them using the Cape Cod Commission groundwater adjustment." <br /> Mr. McQuaid asked which method would be used to adjust for the groundwater <br /> elevation.. Mr. Petrin stated that it was the Cape Cod Commission adjustment, which <br /> is based on the Frimpter method. <br /> Mr. McQuaid stated, "That is a very conservative method. If that is the method that <br /> they intend to use, I certainly don't object to you doing it at high tide or low tide. You <br /> can do it at any tide as long as the perc itself is conducted below the low tide <br /> elevation. �Do it at low tide because we want to pour the water below the high point of <br /> low tide." "Our experience with the last dewatered perc, if you can beyond the pre <br /> soak, we didn't get to that. We didn't get to pour water because we couldn't develop <br /> the 18"." <br /> Mr. Petrin stated, "We think that we can develop the 18 in the C-layer and maybe even <br /> more. <br /> Mr. Petrin will call the office to schedule the perc test for the following Thursday. <br />
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